Roof Doctor, Inc.
"Specializing in STOPPING leaks"
Serving the Greater Kansas City Area

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Review of Roof Repair Competitor Contracts
The first thing every roofer learns — even before he learns how to properly install a roof — is how to answer the most common homeowner questions. Go into the bid process armed with good questions. To get a better feel for the roofing company's knowledge, you will need to ask questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no question.
You don’t have to know anything about roofing in order to come up with a useful list of questions. All you have to do is think of questions that give the contractor an opportunity to showcase his (or her) expertise.
As you ask questions, be alert as you listen to the answers for benefit-oriented responses. Finally, when the interview is over, ask yourself the most important question of all. “Is this roof contractor thinking about what he wants from me, or is he focused on what he can do for me?” Also, don't be afraid to ask what some of the mistakes are which the contractor has made before - this is a simple way to find out how honest your possible contractor-to-be is. We all make mistakes. Those who are not afraid to talk about them are going to be a good choice. Their ability to tell you (or not to tell you) how they learned or fixed something along the way will show you much of the character. Sometimes too much time can be spent talking about the job and not talking about the company or their experience.
When interviewing for a roof repair to be completed on your investment, best practice is to hire the company who's representative listened to you, took notes, and looked you in the eye. Even further, if a roofing contractor tells you more than once they are honest - this may be a red flag to you. If you ask questions and at least two of the answers returned are "I don't know," or I am not sure," then your best bet would be not to hire them.
If your possible candidate shows thin skin and resentment to your interview, then it is better to find that out at the very beginning before you hire them, sign a contract, and lay down a hefty deposit for the work to be done!!!
When reviewing materials, colors, etc., don't get too excited about colors, styles, etc. as to overlook the character or the type of responses you are getting from the roofing contractor.
Remember, when you are interviewing, you are the boss. You are not inviting roofing contractors to come out and give you an estimate. You’re inviting them to come into your home and distinguish themselves from their competition by excelling at an interview. After all, you want to pick the best candidate who will protect your home's integrity!
Last, when you receive a bid from a roofing contractor that is way below what the others are expressing the cost of your repair estimate will run, this could be a red flag indicating the roofer may not know what they are doing, not know what to charge appropriately for materials and labor, and could even be possibly going to cut corners and give you below standard, poor quality repair.
When you need a contract review, we are glad to provide that during our bid to you, as we have nothing but the best intention for your pocket book and your investment. We are obviously in this business to make money, however, we want to you ARE 100% SATISFIED at the beginning, middle, and end of your roof repair or roof service. We know we offer top of the line solutions for your roof repair needs. We are happy to review a competitor's contract for you at the time we provide you a bid to make sure whomever you choose to select also has your best interest in mind.